Veronika Spleiss I Contact

angelehnt an James Rizzi und Hundertwasser, Gemälde Überwindungsleben von Veronika Spleiss

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+49 1578 5700124


Facebook Narratio Graphica by Veronika Spleiss

Instagram @veronika_spleiss


Veronika Spleiss lives and works in Bonn | Cologne | Munich.

Interview in German

Available with English Subtitles

Speech by Frank Schablewski

2024 in Galerie Klose

Narratio graphica

by Veronika Spleiss

A sentence that best describes you and your art?

Diversion and Tension of life between order and chaos

that is visually expressed as a narration:

Narratio Graphica.

Narratio Graphica by Veronika Spleiss

Bonn | Cologne | Munich, Germany

Copyright © 2024


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