About Veronika Spleiss

Georg Pieron ©
Georg Pieron ©

The German artist Veronika Spleiss, born 1993 in Tallinn, whose roots lie in Estonia and Russia, has been working with visual fine arts for more than fifteen years. During many years of lessons with the artist Natalia Zurakowska, she learned the techniques of painting, graphics and illustration. After studying French and Russian literature as well as political theory in Munich, Clermont-Ferrand and Passau (M.A.), she turned her attention to artistic creation completely. Veronika Spleiss lives and works in Bonn and Munich.


The first glance at her artistic work is an intoxicating celebration of shapes and colors, whose only unifying feature is the black outline of the paintings. At second glance, however, white and colorful fragments reveal associative, concise forms of reality - and, on a meta-level, their stories.


The paintings are in the obvious sign of chaos, but they have an inherent order and harmony that only emerges on further contemplative viewing. So it is with life itself. If life can all too often appear chaotic, it has its structures in all its facets and perspectives. The paintings of the artist Veronika Spleiss illustrate this process in a two-dimensional graphic style, but due to their variety of forms they stand for a multi-perspective opening to life. 


In the spirit of Friedrich Nietzsche, the aspect of perspective is shown as the "basic condition of all life" (JGB, KSA 5, p. 12). Because life encompasses a whole. But man himself has no access to it. The living person is always bound to its own perspective and view of the world, which has a certain order of its own. The artist plays with these aspects. What's more, she tries to visualize life graphically in its versatile perspectives. For the viewer, this primarily means chaos - a supposedly chaotic combination of different points of view that emerge from black or rather nothingness. Each particle, each geometric form stands on its own, but approaches the other forms and thus establishes a necessary connection. In the end, the work becomes a panorama of a city, a combination of houses, people, stairs with their own order: an order of perspectives. Veronika Spleiss summarizes these aspects of her unique style in the term Narratio Graphica, which she coined.


All works by Veronika Spleiss form a visual story. Further the artist writes down her thoughts and ideas about each work.

Visuality and literature come together.


Spleiss has exhibited in multiple exhibtions and international artfairs in Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Among others, her works are also in a permanent collection at the Hunderwasser House "Grüne Zitadelle" in Magdeburg, Germany. She was nominated for two Art Prizes, such as YAS Award 2020 and Renate Hendricks & Valentine Rothe Prize. Her art can be found in private collections all over the world such as Japan, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the USA.




2024 Kunspreis Ampertal - Nominated, Allershausen, Germany

2021 Renate Hendricks & Valentine Rothe Preis - Nominated - Bonn, Germany

2020 YAS Award 2020 - Nominated - Magdeburg, Germany



GEDOK Munich e.V.

KUN:ST International e. V.



Galerie Klose, Essen, Germany; justBEE Gallery, Elsass, France; Singulart, Online Gallery Paris, France; Galerie Kubik, Munich, Germany; Hundertwasser House "Grüne Zitadelle" Magdeburg, Germany; Charter Project Gallery, Leipzig, Germany


Art Fairs:

Art Karlsruhe, Affordable Art Fair Hamburg, Affordable Art Fai Milan, Kunst Mitte Magdeburg, Holstenart Neumünster, Arte Kunstmesse Dortmund, Contemporary Art Ruhr Essen, Red Dot Miami, Stroke Art Fair Munich, Artmuc Munich, Artfair Mannheim, Art Expo New York, Swiss Art Expo Zurich, Frauenmuseum Bonn 


Passed and coming Exhibitions national / international:

Munich, Passau, Kulmbach, Wasserburg am Inn, Neumünster, Essen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Zürich, Murten, Miami, Milan, New York, Mannheim, Magdeburg, Masevaux, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Neumünster, Venice, Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Dortmund, Steinfurt, Hannover, Karlsruhe

All Exhibitions


February, Art Fair Art Karlsruhe with Kunst:International, Karlsruhe

April, GEDOK Exhibition THE PRESENCE AND THE VOID, GEDOK Munich e.V, Munich

April, Group Exhibition artbox.project Venezia 2.0, Cipriarte Gallery, Venice, Italy

May, Group Exhibition, HONIGSCHLEUDER, trafolab e.V. & Atelier Hamann, Hannover

July/August, Group Exhibition SO SCHAFFE ICH FRIEDEN, Weltreise durch Wohnzimmer e.V., Schluss Burgsteinfurt, Steinfurt

August, Art Fair KUNST MITTE with Philipp Liehr & Christoph Bäuml, Galerie Kubik, Magdeburg

October, FACES BEHIND ART, Georg Pieron and artists, Galerie Klose, Essen

November, ARTE Art Fair Dortmund, Galerie Klose, Dortmund

Since November 2024, Permanent Solo Exhibition, Praxis am Scharpenberg, Mülheim an der Ruhr

December 2024 - January 2025, Group Exhibition SIGHTZEICHEN 2024, Gallery Klose, Essen

November 24 - February 25, Solo Exhibition LIFE IN TENSION & DIVERSITY, Charter Project Gallery, Leipzig



January - June 22, Permanent Exhibition in Hundertwasser House "Grüne Zitadelle", Magdeburg, Germany

November - January 23 , 30 years Galerie Klose, Group Exhibition "WEGGEFÄHRTEN", Galerie Klose, Essen

February/March, Group Exhibition"Selbstportraits", Galerie Klose, Essen

March/April, Group Exhibition THE FEMALE SHOW - curated by Josephine Kaiser, Munich Art Gallery, Munich

April, Artfair Holstenart, Neumünster

April, STROKE Artfair, Praterinsel in Munich

July, Group Exhibition"VERFLOCHTENE WELTEN", Galerie Klose, Essen

August, Exhibition "KUNSTFEST VOL III ARTificial INTELLIGENCE", Galerie Klose and Zeche3, Zeche Königin Elisabeth, Essen

August, KUNST/MITTE, Artfair for contemporary Art, Art Gallery Kubik, Philipp Liehr, Hazel Ang, Christoph Bäuml, Miriam Frank, Magdeburg

September / Oktober / November, Group Exhibition "SO SCHAFFE ICH FRIEDEN" in monastery Wiedenbrück

September, Group Exhibition "KUNSTSPUR" im Atelier von Jörg W. Schirmer, Essen

October, Contemporary ART RUHR (C.A.R) Innovative art fair, Juried Position of C.A.R. Talents UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein, Essen

November / December, Group Exhibition "SIGHTZEICHEN 23", Galerie Klose, Essen



March, Exhibition "Frühlingsgefühle" in the artgallery Galerie Klose, Essen, Germany 

Juin, Group Exhibition #9 in the with the art gallery justBEE, Masevaux, France

August, "Ansichtssache" - Art Festival in " Lohnhalle Vol. II" with the artgallery Galerie Klose, Essen 

August, KUNST/MITTE, Artfair for contemporary Art with the art gallery justBEE, Magdeburg, Germany 

October, Artfair Artmuc with Kunst.International, Munich, Germany

October, Double Exhibition "Gegenständliche Gegensätze" Veronika Spleiss and Robert Schätz, Galerie Klose, Essen, Germany

October, Contemporary ART RUHR (C.A.R) Innovative art fair, Juried position under C.A.R. Talents, UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein, Essen, Germany

November, Affordable Artfair Hamburg with the art gallery justBEE, Hamburg, Germany

November, 30 years of Galerie Klose, Group exhibition "Weggefährten", artgallery Klose, Essen, Germany

December, Artfair Red Dot Miami with Kunst.International "Miami Sunshine 2022" in Miami, USA

Permanent Exhibition in Hundertwasser House "Grüne Zitadelle", Magdeburg, Germany



January, FMDK Kunstsalon 2020 - 'Gestern - Heute - Morgen' (Online) , Exhibition at the Egyptian Museum Munich

April, Solo Exhibition at the art gallery Marion Kotyba in Kulmbach (cancelled)

June, Group exhibition 'Die Neuen" in [KUN:ST] QUARTIER in Leonberg

August, Juried 'GROSSE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG' (Big Art Exhibition) by AK68/Künstlergemeinschaft e.V. in the gallery in the Ganserhaus and in the town hall in Wasserburg am Inn

August, Group exhibition 'DenkMalGeschützt'with amiko art collective in the Feierwerk Farbenladen, Munich

August, art fair KUNST/MITTE 2021 through the gallery justbee in Magdeburg 

October, Stroke Artfair, Praterinsel in Munich

November, Group exhibition 'The story of the eight hands" with Irina Lupyna, Evgenia Huber, Soussen and Veronika Spleiss at the cultural center Trudering, Munich

November, Art fair at the Frauenmuseum in Bonn, Nomination for the Art Award "Renate Hendricks & Valentine Rothe Preis

December, Art fair Red Dot Miami through Kunst:International "Miami Sunshine 2021" Mana Wynwood Convention Center, in Miami, USA (cancelled)



February, Affordable Artfair Milan with the Artgallery Unique Contemporary Turin, in Milan, Italy

March, Group Exhibition „Die Geschichte der zehn Hände“ – Irina Lupyna, Veronika Spleiss, Evgenia Huber, Soussen, Ljuba Stille

in Farbenladen Feierwerk, Munich, Germany

March, Stroke Arfair 2020, Munich, Germany (postponed to October 2021)

April, Art Expo New York Harmony – David and Goliath, Kunst:International, in New York, USA (postponed to October 2020)

April/May, Group Exhibition „Die Geschichte der acht Hände“ – Irina Lupyna, Veronika Spleiss, Evgenia Huber, Soussen

in Trudering Kulturzentrum  (postponed to October 2021)

May, Virtual Group Exhibition by CO.VI.3D GALLERY - Quarta Collettiva d’Arte “ArT HOME, Creatives Spaces

July, August, Artfair Mannheim by Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany

August, Exhibition Skulpturen-David-Goliath in [KUN:ST] Quartier, Leonberg, Germany

September, Artfair KUNST/MITTE 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, Nomination for the YAS Award 2020

September, Group Exhibition "Bilder einer Ausstellung", Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany


October, Group Exhibition „Die Geschichte der acht Hände“ – Irina Lupyna, Veronika Spleiss, Evgenia Huber, Soussen Moor-Villa Kulturzentrum, Munich, Germany 




May, STROKE Art Fair 10 years, Munich, Germany

June, Group Exhibition Leto – Eine Sommeraustellung, Wessling , Germany

July, Group Exhibition Werkschau 2019, Kunstgalerie Marion Kotyba, Kulmbach, Germany

July, Artnight in Passau, KUNSTNACHT, Passau, Germany

August, SWISSARTEXPO Art fair in Zurich, Switzerland

September, Solo Exhibition Veronika Spleiss - Follow the black lines, Contemporary Gallery CH, Murten, Switzerland

October, Group Exhibition Small Artworks, Contemporary Gallery CH, Murten, Switzerland

December, Group Exhibition - Artbox Gallery during Artbasel weeks in Wynwood, Miami

December - January, Group Exhibition Bewegung, Veronika Spleiss and Roger Brönnimann, Contemporary Gallery CH, Murten, Switzerland

December, Group Exhibition - Artbox Gallery during Artbasel weeks in Wynwood, Miami




Solo Exhibition Der schwarzen Linie auf der Spur, Pomeranz, Passau, Germany


2023 – C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr Innovative Art Fair, catalogue

2023 – "So schaffe ich Frieden" Weltreise durch Wohnzimmer e.V., catalogue

2022 – Al-Tiba9 Contemp0rary Art Collectors’ Artbook, Interviews with Artists Vol. 1., book

2022 – L’Alsace, „Cinq artistes internationaux à la justBEE gallery“, newspaper article 10 June 2022

2022 – C.A.R Contemporary Art Ruhr Innovative Art Fair, catalogue

2022 – KUNST MITTE Messe für zeitgenössische Kunst Magdeburg , catalogue

2021 – GROSSE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG 2021, Arbeitskreis 86, Rathaus Wasserburg, catalogue

2021 – 26. Kunstmesse im Frauenmuseum Bonn, book

2021 – Münchner Merkur | TZ „München treibt es wieder bunt“, newspaper article 10 October 2021

2021 – Süddeutsche Zeitung „Zwischen Comic und Kandinsky“, newspaper article 18 August 2021

2021 – Kompakt Media „Eigenständig und ausdrucksstark“, Online article 13 August 2021

2021 - KUNST MITTE Messe für zeitgenössische Kunst Magdeburg, catalogue

2021 – OVB Online „Breites Spektrum erwartet Kunstliebhaber bei „Großer Kunstausstellung“ des AK68 in Wasserburg“, newspaper article 11 August 2021

2021 – Passauer Neue Presse „Kreativität ist eine Frage der Einstellung“, newspaper article 17 August 2021

2021 – Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art „ 10 questions with Veronika Spleiss”, online article 15 July 2021

2020 – Kunstsalon 2020 Gestern < Heute > Morgen, FMDK e.V., catalogue

2020 – Süddeutsche Zeitung „Kunst aus acht Händen“, newspaper article 2 October 2020

2020 – Kompakt Media „Unübersichtlich, unberechenbar, vielseitig“, online article 9 September 2020

2020 - KUNST MITTE Messe für zeitgenössische Kunst Magdeburg, Young Artist Space , catalogue

2020 – Feierwerk Blog „Von Offline zu Online – Die Geschichte der 10 Hände im Farbenladen“, online article 19 March 2020

2020 – MUCBOOK „Die Geschichte der zehn Hände“, online article 5 March 2020

2020 – Mit Vergnügen München „Artvergnügen für Ahnungslose“, Onlineartikel 28. Februar 2020 – Passauer Neue Presse „Das richtige Schwarz“, Newspaper article 15 January 2020

2019 – Murtenbieter „Erste Ausstellung zum Thema Bewegung in neuer Galerie“, newspaper article 29. November 2019

2019 – InFranken "Werkschau 2019 Galerie Marion Kotyba", newspaper article 14 July 2019

2019 – Süddeutsche Zeitung „Sommerliche Emotionen“, newspaper article 2 June 2019

Interview in German

Available with English Subtitles

Speech by Frank Schablewski

2024 in Galerie Klose

Narratio graphica

by Veronika Spleiss

A sentence that best describes you and your art?

Diversion and Tension of life between order and chaos

that is visually expressed as a narration:

Narratio Graphica.

Narratio Graphica by Veronika Spleiss

Bonn | Cologne | Munich, Germany

Copyright © 2024



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